As I walked into the Waterworks theater on the evening of Thursday, October 12, I was greeted by enthusiastic cast members who welcomed me and made me feel like my presence was somehow an important part of the upcoming experience.
The Waterworks Players’ next production is Lorraine Mason’s “Puss in Boots.”
“Godspell,” which opens October 13th, will be the first Waterworks musical in three years. It will be a first for director Kolby Logue as well.
Something old, something new, something brought back: The Waterworks Players’ 2023-24 season will feature some of each of these.
Auditions will be held at the Waterworks Theatre on August 6th & 7th at 7 p.m. Please prepare 32 bars from a musical of your choice. And prepare a one-minute upbeat monologue.
Adrift in New York (or Her First False Step) by Addison Augler is directed by Granville Scott and assistant directed by Melissa Meinhard. Their direction, combined with the stage management of Michelle Fenton and Geraldine Mongold, sets up a hilarious and entertaining story with twists and turns galore.
Waterworks Production of Same Time Next Year (directed by Billy Tucker) is a sentimental dance thru time bursting with a genuine affection that you can feel the minute you step into the theater.
Same Time, Next Year, The Waterworks Players’ current production opening this week, is a first-time directorial experience for Billy Tucker. But it’s far from his first time being involved with Waterworks.
The Waterworks Players’ next production is Andrew O’Leary’s “The Little Mermaid.”
Jordan Whiley will be directing our production of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night, with show dates in mid-October. Auditions are August 28 and 29.