The third show of the 2022-23 Waterworks season will be Same Time, Next Year, by Bernard Slade, a charming two-person romantic comedy written in 1975 and taking place over a 24-year period beginning in 1951. Auditions will be held on Sunday and Monday, September 25 and 26 from 6:30-7:45 PM and will include readings from the script. The Waterworks Players theatre is located at 25 SMI Way Farmville, VA 23901.
Show dates are February 17, 18, 19 (matinee), 24, 25, 2023. Auditions are being held in advance to allow the actors to memorize the volume of material. There will be a few agreed-upon rehearsals through the end of the year, then more frequently beginning in early January of 2023.
The plot follows a love affair between two people, Doris and George, married to others, who rendezvous once a year despite the fact both are married to others and have six children between them. Over the span of more than two decades, from 1951 to 1975, they develop an emotional intimacy deeper than what one might expect to find from such a clandestine and intermittent relationship. During their time with each other, they discuss the births, deaths, and marital problems each is experiencing at home while they adapt themselves to the social changes affecting their lives. This play is not adult in the XXX sense; it’s adult in that it’s pitched at those who have reached the age of consent.
Both actors need to be able to show the age range required without substantial makeup. Each character goes through both physical and emotional changes that need to be conveyed to the audience.
GEORGE: (M) Begins the show aged 30, nervous and not comfortable. He ages to around 55.
DORIS: (F) Needs to play 25 to begin. She is very confident and unashamed. She ages to around 50.