Waterworks Theater is holding a work day this Saturday, August 16th, at 9am and you are cordially invited to come join us! Extra sets of hands are always needed at the theater . We need to clean up after “The Full Monty” and get ready for “Proof.” If you’ve been thinking about getting involved this is a great opportunity to dive in and get to know everyone… we’ll even throw in some coffee and donuts! Come on down to the theater, say hi, and we’ll find something for you to do. If you’ve been out before we would love to see you again.
If you have time to donate for set construction or technical support and would like to assist with this production of Proof (no experience necessary), please contact the director, Jay Lynn at jay at jaylynn.com. Show dates are September 19,20,26,27.
If you have any questions, contact the Waterworks Players at 434-392-3452 or info@waterworksplayers.org.
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